
Thursday 17 July 2014


“Perseverance” according to the Microsoft Encarta Dictionary is the determined continuation with something; it is steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period despite difficulties or set backs.
Thomas Edison according to history tried more than one hundred experiments before he was able to come out with the invention of the incandescent light bulb. Thus it makes sense to say that Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
Abraham Lincoln also failed many times in his political career before he was finally elected to become the president of the United States of America. Almost every successful person faces difficulties on the road to success.
Failures, disappointments, setbacks, and oppositions are very normal when it comes to the pursuit of any vision. They actually come one after the other without invitation. Setbacks are difficulties or problems which delay you from moving forward with a vision. Failure is  lack of success in or at something. Disappointments are feelings of sadness or frustration because something was not as good, attractive, or satisfactory as expected, or because something hoped for did not happen.
The biography of every successful person almost always has some chapters littered with stories of failure, pain, disappointment, and breaking accounts of real life crisis.
The great achiever knows that failure is not a permanent feature but just a momentary event. Many people lose their nerve when faced with set backs, but the great achiever always fights back, despite the challenges he or she may face. Problems, challenges, pain and disappointments all come to test the level of commitment in the pursuit of our dreams and goals.
Perseverance in the face of difficulties is the proof of commitment. Failure is no obstraction and perseverance is the ability to keep doing what you know best without leaving your confidence and self-esteem in the face of difficulty. When your ego, reputation, bank account and your very name are all in jeopardy, you can only continue to fight back if you have an instinct for greatness.
There are many uncompleted relationships, dreams, churches, books and organizations because people who started them could not endure the pain, hardships, and frustrations of life. However, with perseverance, you move from start to finish- and from beginning to end.
Taking a close look at children learning how to walk, you will realize that they stumble once they make the first tentative attempts; but it is in their stumbling, that they learn how to walk properly. Perseverant people get up when they fall, they don’t stay down, because they know it is just a temporary setback and not the end of their lives.
 Whenever you stumble, don’t fall with your face flat on the ground; but fall with your face up, because if you can look up, you can rise again.
Whatever you are going through now or have gone through in the past, never give up. The persistent person refuses to let anyone or anything keep him or her at the back stage of life. A setback is only a setup for a come back. You may have lost everything but so far as you have life there is hope- Never give up.
It is not over till you win. With God on your side nothing can be against you. Think like a winner, and an achiever, and rise up and be a victor in this life. You have only one life and this is it. Just do it for your generation

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