
Wednesday 16 July 2014


One important lesson I have come to learn the hard way is that you will face no opposition in life till you start dreaming of achieving big things.
Dreams according to the Microsoft Encarta dictionary means something hoped for: something somebody hopes, longs, or is ambitious for, usually something difficult to attain or far removed from present circumstances.
Dreams attract opposition. It is only when an object tries to fly that it faces the law of gravity. Once you attempt to go up, this law must come into force to pull you down. In Genesis 37:5-28, there is an account of what happened to Joseph when he had a dream and told his father and brothers about it. His own brothers actually sold him out into slavery.
When dreams emerge they come with their train of dream killers and human antagonists; and most of the time, they surface from the least expected sources. Resistance exists in every family, instituition, community, and nation; many leaders have had their fare share of this.
It is an undeniable fact that if you must become successful in any field, you will experience some amount of opposition. Opposition would come from people around you; people who are closest to you. But the greatest opposition would come from you. Your very self can oppose a vision or dream that you have. In other words you can be your own dream killer.
Dream killers are very easy to identify; they could be people, situations, opportunities, or anything that runs contrary to your dream. Upon hearing of your dream all these factors hate you not as a person but because of the dream you have.
Usually the feelings Dream killers (those close to you) have towards you are instigated by the fact that they feel insecure themselves. The declaration of your future plans or record of your successes makes them feel inferior, and instead of focusing on how they can also succeed, they concentrate on why you should not succeed by any stretch of the imagination. People who never value your ideas and make a mockery of your dreams are dream killers. Such detractors also ridicule your personality and your background; they cast doubt on your ability. The irony surrounding some of them is that they are often very close to you; (they could be your wife, husband, mother, father, sister, friend and brother), therefore are privy to all your weaknesses and strategies.
The question now is how do you deal with your dream killers?
In the bible from Mathew 16:21-23 it reads “From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.”
It is interesting to know that Peter who was so close to Jesus Christ tried to kill Jesus`s dream of saving us from sin.. What did Jesus do? He quickly put Peter back to his place.
Life I believe is too short to allow wrong people to influence your dreams. Rule number one identify your dream killers and put them where they belong.
Rule number two; speak not. Never share your dreams, plans, or even successes in the presence of dream killers. It ignites their dream killing instincts immediately. Be careful who you share your innermost secrets with, he, or she may be a dream killer. What they don’t know they can’t kill.
Rule number three; ignore them, don’t give your dream killers attention. You must not allow fear of failure to grip you; fright or panic only serves to smooth the way to failure. A lot of things we fear never exist. It is important you deal with your fear and forget about your dream killers.
The fourth rule is use success as revenge; what the dream killer hates most is to see you succeed. Therefore keep frustrating them with your continuous success.
Finally, trust and have faith in God believe that whatever he says about you would surely come to pass. In Jeremiah 1:4 the lord said` I chose you before I gave you life, and before you were born I selected you’. Meanwhile don’t hesitate to dismiss dream killers if you find them in your camp.
The choice is your but remember that the history of every great achiever is littered with stories of failure. Identify your dream killers and learn how to deal with them now

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